Take Action and Save Innocent Lives
“…understanding animals’ capacity for pain and suffering and knowing the cruelty of those who practice animal testing even when they know that animals feel pain and like humans do, they do not protect the interest –the welfare– of the subject as a priority as they do with humans…”
We have to protect those innocent and pure animals, who suffer emotional and physical pain every day around the world. We have to protect them against animal testing. Some ways to help animals in experiments are;
1. Always buy cruelty-free products– We shouldn’t forget that cleaning products are also routinely tested on animals. Most cruelty-free household cleaning products are also eco-friendly
2. Educate others about animal testing and inform them of animals’ capacity for pain and suffering.
3. Always speak up about classroom dissection– If someone you know is asked to cut up an animal in a class, encourage him or her to say NO!
4. Make a donation– Lots of charities need money to continue protecting animals and working in alternatives for animal testing.
5. Join Animal Protection Organization or Charities-to help fight against Animal Testing and Animal Cruelty.
Some charities are;
- Humane Society International.
- Physicians Commitment for Responsible Medicine (PCRM)
- Cruelty-Free International.
- John Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT)
- Beagle Freedom Project.
- National Anti-Vivisection Society (NAVS)
- New England Anti-Vivisection Society (NEAVS)
Don’t let them die,
Allison Gutama